Moving and Revisions (11/16/2021) – Still settling in at the new studio. The Joy of Transitions One of my colleagues back at Kaiser Permanente would describe moving and taking a new job as similar to the first moments of waking up from a dream. You don’t yet know what’s real and what isn’t real and there is a moment of… Continue Reading

Writing Again (5/21/2023) – It’s been awhile since I’ve written. It would be easy to say – hey – I’ve been busy – but that isn’t the whole truth. Yes, I’ve been busy – with a home to care for, a new extremely adorable grandson and some volunteer work – but my writing which had been a large part… Continue Reading
Health, Art and Conformity (3/30/2022) – Fear versus Love This morning I read this New York Times article about artists and addiction. Most of it discusses writers yet writers and visual artists share similar characteristics. They both require an inordinate amount of alone time to hone skills. They both also appear to be considered ‘cool’ if they are successful but… Continue Reading
On Fire (1/29/2022) – The climate crisis continues on with most leaders doing little to adjust in an effort to protect the earth. As an artist, I’ve made a number of pieces addressing climate change and pictured is a recent one. The original image came from an Atlantic magazine article about fires on the West Coast. The speed and… Continue Reading

Dyslexia (4/15/2021) – As I was taking a walk the other day on a level trail near our home, a cyclist approaching from behind called out, “On your left!”, which for most people would be a helpful warning. Unfortunately, here I am in my sixth decade and I do not know which side of me is left. I… Continue Reading

The Supreme Court and RBG (9/28/2020) – Honor Her Most Fervent Wish It has been said a number of times that the election in 2020 has the potential for long lasting consequences. I hope everyone also realizes the election in 2016 has had long lasting consequences. It’s frustrating to hear people say that both Republicans and Democrats are the same – when… Continue Reading

Honoring George Floyd and Too Many Others to Name (6/1/2020) – I am proud of my fellow Americans out in the streets this week. I am angry, frustrated and sick of the direction this country has gone. I remember 1968. I protested the Vietnam War with my parents and I’m proud to have been raised to express my First Amendment rights. Those times held within them… Continue Reading